I’m trying something new this year to help me manage how I teach the Common Core. I created a Common Core Resource binder that will hold all of my Language Arts graphic organizers and other important resources. I figured if it’s all in one place, I’ll be less likely to shove papers in drawers and cabinets. Do ever you do that? I am guilty!
Like the cover? Download it for free here.
Okay, now let me explain the binder in detail. Here’s what I did: I used page dividers to separate each standard. Then, I added a page like you see below for each Reading Literature Standard and Informational Text Standard. This page will help me keep track of how I taught the standard, when I taught the standard, and the materials (books, props, etc.) I used. I slid each of these sheets into a page protector so that I can refer back to them in the future. If I keep this system up all year long, I will be thanking myself this time next year!
You can download an editable copy of these sheets here for free. I made it editable because I realize not everyone teaches the same standards. To use, all you have to do is type the standard where it says, “Type Standard Here” and then print. You can print as many pages as you may need!
Next, I added the Common Core graphic organizers I made for each standard behind the sheet above. I plan on adding others materials to the binder, like additional graphic organizers, reader response sheets, lesson plan ideas, etc.. But, I figured these organizers were a great start! Below you’ll find a little preview of some of the organizers. I have organizers for all of the first grade and second grade standards. Here are some of the graphic organizers for the Reading Literature Standards:
My favorite part about the organizers is that I labeled them with each standard in the corner. This helped me tremendously last year (I didn’t have to do as much thinking – ha!)
When creating these, I tried my best to keep them very simple and easy to understand.
My students used these organizers during small group time, while buddy-reading, and while working independently.
Here are some of the graphic organizers for the Informational Text Standards:
You can grab all of these organizers (plus lots of others) at my TPT shop! I have a first grade version and a second grade version. Are you ready to go make your own Common Core binder? I PROMISE, you will feel so much more organized!
Oh my gosh! I love, love, love your binder. What a fantastic way to organize and use from year to year.
Amber O.
LOVE this! Heading to your shop now! You are just too good;)
Mrs. B
Amazing! What a great way to keep it organized and easy to access the next year. Thank you for sharing!
Haley O'Connor
I love how you say you aren't organized and then come up with something amazing like this!!! You sister ARE organized!!
Teacher and Life Long Learner
This is such a good idea! Our school (private school) isn't necessarily following the common core, but I like to be mindful of it and make sure I'm hitting our first grade skills. Thanks for sharing so much of this!
Ashley Pennell
This is FABULOUS!!! … just added another weekend project to my ever-growing list!
Thanks so much!
That's So Second Grade!
Oh waaa I'm feeling sorry for myself…now that I'm moving to 5th grade, I'm not going to be able to use all of your amazing stuff! Life is about to get a little bit harder… 🙁
Teachery Tidbits
kheila dunkerly
This looks great…heading to check it out!
Two Friends In First
Veronica Porche
Your binder looks very organized! I am getting rid of all of my binders (I had way too many) and am organizing my common core standards in my filing cabinet the way you organized your binder. Teaching with Giggles
Rebecca Hart
Will you be doing Kindergarten graphic organizers?
Rebecca Hart
I love the the binder also!!
Mrs. Coyle
This is such a great idea! Any chance you have plans to make the forms for the math standards?
Mrs. Coyle
This is such a great idea! Any chance you have plans to make the forms for the math standards?
Laura Speller
Love this! Any plans to make them for Kindergarten standards? Sure would save me a lot of work!!! lol
Mr. First Grade
WOW! I added your organizers to my TPT wish list and hope to create a binder just like yours!
Mr. First Grade
Laurie Ollhoff
This is awesome! Thank you for pinning this great idea!
Mrs. Sheehan
I love this idea! I already own this file, now I need to print everything out and create my binder 🙂
I love your binder! Great idea!! Think you will make a third grade version of the graphic organizers? I would love to buy them 🙂
These look amazing!!! Are you thinking about putting a 3rd grade packet together?
Mary Murphy
Can I ask what software you use to design your work sheets etc?
Mr. Michelbook
This is amazing! I was going to do the same thing this year. Thanks for free downloads.
-Jeremy @ Mr. Michelbook's Classroom
Thank you for the freebie!! I'm loving it & can't wait to use it for my 4th graders 🙂 How is the binder working out so far? Will you be making a math one as well?
I SO wish you had these for kindergarten!!
Rebecca Felmlee
This is AWESOME!! I think it could be modified for upper level teachers also and those who are into technology check out live binders at https://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.educatorstechnology.com%2F2013%2F10%2F14-web-tools-teachers-should-try-this.html?gname=diigoineducation
Megan Kehlenbrink
These are AMAZING. The graphic organizers are super helpful as our district does not have an up-to-date reading curriculum.These are very helpful when planning, or even as something to get me started. Thank you very much.
Mariann Brown
Love the Common Core Binder! Would love to see a Kinder version.
Sarah Warner
I love this! Could you possibly edit the front cover for the 2014-2015 school year?
OMG!!!! I LOVE this!!!
Is there any way you may do a Kindergarten version???
Rachmad Pratama
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Amy Valdez
Is this still available? I love it, but every link I click on doesn’t bring anything up :(. Very useful, and I am hoping you still have it!
Andrea Cabrera
I came across the post and absolutely fell in love with it and the common core binder. I am so looking forward to utilizing this wonderful resource this coming school year. Will you making a kindergarten version? I’d buy it in a heat beat. I am already purchasing the 1st grade version even though I’m not teaching first grade. However, I do feel with your resource I will be better at keeping track of what I do. Thank you so much for this great product.
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