Okay, okay! This weekend should have been spent making a million different lists of things I need to accomplish between now and Friday (my last day of school), but instead it was spent buying things, like this chair:
This lounge chair from PB Teen will be going in my classroom library next year. Totally unnecessary? Yes! But, it was on sale and I really want to create a cozy classroom for my kids. I couldn’t resist! But, AFTER I pressed “Buy,” I asked myself, “How will this chair fit in my little Fiat?” Ha! I think I’ll go add that question to one of my million imaginary lists. I also spent a little time today finishing up my Chalk It To Me {Alphabet Card Set and Word Wall Set} for my classroom next year! This was my procrastination project. They are already printed and ready to be laminated.
These alphabet cards are 8.5 x 11 (the size of a regular piece of computer paper). I printed them on cardstock so that they can be used for years to come.
These word wall cards will pop behind any wall! The word wall words are not included in this packet.
You can find this packet my at TPT shop here or by clicking on the button below! I am giving away two copies to the first two people who comment with their e-mail address.
Hope you all have a FANTASTIC week! I am SO sad to say goodbye to my first graders. Wish me luck with keeping it together on Friday. I want to be their teacher forever.
Amber O.
Oh, I LOVE! I'm giving a chalkboard calendar set away for free, too!
Amber O.
Phew! Just wanted to quickly get my comment in, so disregard this second one as comment #2:)
Visit me @ SynonymRolls&AntonymMoments
I love these! Absolutely adorable! Sonjadyck@hotmail.com!
Lisa Mattes
Your work takes my breath away. Every. Single. Time.
For realz!!!
Growing Firsties
I missed it. Boo! 🙁 But, I LOVE THEM!! Those are amazing, and going right on my wish list! 🙂
First Grade Fairytales
Nikki Mason
These are adorable!!! Cute font 🙂
Margo Adams
LOVE these!!!! perfect for an elementary classroom.
Very cute!
Very cute!
Random Craftiness
Love these! I especially love the a-z clipart… where did you find it?
Katie Poyzer
Bridget S
I love the clipart you used!!!
That chair is too cute 🙂
Literacy Without Worksheets
O FISH ally a First Grader (Corinna)
I love the chair! I also love your alphabet posters. I tried creating a "chalkboard" like set, but I didn't have that "font", so I didn't like how they turned out. Absolutely adorable work! That's going to be a BIG seller!
This is so adorable! Can you or have you thought about making a template for us to write the words on for the word wall that would match the set?
Kristy Looney
Cutest things I have ever seen. Wish you would consider giving these to the first 15 people. Ha. LOVE THEM!!!
Crafts and More
Hi, I want those beautiful flashcards, how can I have ones? I'm from Costa Rica
Thank you
Vera Corbett
These are adorable. Could you please let me know where you got that adorable clip art from?
Thank you!
The Tutu Teacher
You always make the CUTEST stuff!! If I ever move to lower grades, I will definitely buy those letters!
Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
Miss Cosby
I love all of the chalkboard stuff!!!
You Might Be a First Grader….
Mrs. Shelton
Those are so stinking cute! They are on my wishlist!!! Thanks!
Kindergarten Korner
Leslie Tally
I LOVE your lounge chair! I'm sure that will look amazing in your classroom. I am on the hunt for some cozy furniture for my kiddos as well. You found a winner! 🙂
These are so cute I can't even stand it!! I am going to share on my FB page and pin them!! What font did you use to create the word alligator?
Kickin' It With Class
Katie Knight
Those are just wonderful! I mean really so cute. I am in love…
I LOVE these!! Very cute & creative!
Sliding into First!
Julie R.
Love these and on the wish list. Will you be making the words too? Oh, calendar too? I'm a mom that loves to create a classroom in my girls room for them to "play" school. I would love to use this theme for a soon-to-be kinder and 2nd grader. thank you!
Oh my goodness Lyndsey! This is so cute!!
First Grade and Fabulous
I love these and my Pre-Kinders would love these as well.
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