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Capture Summer Giveaway!

I’m SO EXCITED to be teaming up with some AMAZING teacher-bloggers to bring you a giveaway that will allow you to capture summer and BEYOND! image

This giveaway includes a Canon DSLR T5! YES! You read that right. Your very own fancy camera! I use my camera ALL THE TIME, and always have it handy “just in case.” My favorite subjects are my niece and nephew and my sweet pup, Petey.


But wait…there’s MORE! This giveaway also includes a 50mm lens! This lens will help you create the super popular bokeh look (blurry background).


Here are a few pictures to show you the bokeh look. Notice how the backgrounds are blurry? Your eye goes straight to the subject! I think bokeh photographs are just gorgeous. LOOK AT HIM! I MELT!

You will need something to store your new camera and lens in, right? That’s why we’ve also included this adorable Jo Totes bag in the giveaway. I LOVE that mint color so much! TO DIE FOR, right? image


To enter, just follow the Rafflecopter. A winner will be announced shortly after 6/28. Woo hoo!

a Rafflecopter giveaway