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Flip & Create STEM Books — Activities For Early Finishers

If every teacher received a quarter each time an early finisher asked the question, “I’m done! What do I do now?” we’d all be millionaires. Am I right or what?

The fact is: some students are fast finishers—even when given enriching, rigorous activities. So it’s our job to have early finisher activities ready to go, which, let’s face it, isn’t the easiest thing to do.

Of course, students can always read a book, listen to a story, write in their journal, or complete an additional (dare I say lackluster?) worksheet. But, if you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for more hands-on, meaningful, and engaging activities that require critical thinking, problem-solving, perseverance, and reflection.

So, that’s where the idea for Flip & Create STEM Books came in.

STEM flip books

What are Flip & Create STEM Books?

Flip & Create Books are all-in-one STEM activities for early finishers geared to promote engineering, creative thinking, reflection, and play.

When to Use the STEM Activities:

  • early finisher activity
  • STEM station/STEM challenge
  • Makerspace
  • morning work alternative
  • free choice
  • indoor recess
  • positive reinforcement activity
  • fine motor practice
STEM flip books
STEM flip books

How They Work

When students finish their independent practice, they can grab a flipbook, find a spot in the classroom (on the carpet or at a designated table, just as long as they aren’t distracting their neighbors), grab engineering materials, and then get creative.

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STEM flip books

The flipbooks encourage students to think like engineers and inventors. They are set up so students have ample time to design, build, and reflect on their creations.

About the STEM Flip Books

The layout of each book is the same. This is so students can spend more time creating and less time deciphering instructions. Also, this allows you to have more teaching time.

The books cover 10 topics. I will be adding new topics all the time. So far, there are ten books for each topic (100 books in all and more coming!):

  • Famous Landmarks
  • Things That Go!
  • Structures
  • Homes/Dwellings
  • Outside the Box
  • Habitats
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall

About the Materials

You’ll want to have a designated spot in your classroom where students can gather the engineering manipulatives for their STEM activities. You can use a storage tower, bins, tubs, or even Ziplocs. What is most important is that students can easily access the materials

A lot of the materials I suggest are ones you probably already have on hand (for example index cards, tape, aluminum foil) or items you can borrow from a teacher. Additionally, labels are already made for you (I also provide an editable version for you too!).

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STEM materials
STEM station

A Breakdown of the Steps In Each Flip & Create Book

  • Accept the Task
  • Sketch It Out
  • Write Materials
  • Gather Materials & Build
  • Explain Your Creation
  • Reflect On How to Make It Better
STEM flip books

Step A: Accept the Task

On this page of the flipbook, a real-life photograph of what students will be creating is provided for them. Students aren’t required or encouraged to replicate the exact image; this is just a starting point. Because we want students to be innovative engineers.

At the bottom of this page, students will learn a cool fact about what is shown in the photograph OR they will be asked to think about how they’ll build their creation.

Accepting the STEM task
Accepting the STEM task

Step B: Sketch It Out

On this page of the flipbook, students will draw a detailed sketch of how they want their creation to look. They can label each part with the materials they’ll need OR they can just keep it about the picture.

This is their free space to brainstorm how they want their creation to look, what materials they will need, whether their creation will be 3D or not, how many pieces it will include, and etc. A grid is provided for them to help have an accurate sketch of what they want to create.

Sketching your creation
Sketching the creation

Step C: Write Materials Needed

On this page of the flipbook, students will write a list of materials they will need in order to build their creations.

Write the materials needed
STEM materials to use

Step D: Gather Materials & Build

Then, they will gather their materials, refer back to their detailed sketch (and the photograph, if they wish), and then begin building. Students will want to think about their plan for building, the size of their structure, and the materials they will need.

Gathering the materials

Step E: Tell About It

On this page of the flipbook, students will explain how they designed and built their creations.

Explain how you created

Step F: Reflect On It

Finally, students will reflect on their creation. They’ll write what they would do differently next time (materials, design, strength, size, etc.).

Reflecting on their creation

How to Prep the STEM Activities

Different STEM flip books

To prep, you’ll want to laminate, cut, and then hole-punch the books. Then, place them on a ring and provide dry-erase markers and erasers so students can use them over and over again.

You can hang them on a hook or you can place them in a basket or a bin. It’s totally up to you! My suggestion is to use what you already have in your classroom. This is the least expensive and most convenient option!

STEM station


How many books are included in this resource?

There are 100 books so far (1o books per topic)! This resource will continue to have more and more books added.

STEM flip books

What materials do you suggest I add to the tubs/bins/tower/Ziplocs?

  • Knex
  • wooden blocks
  • Plus Plus Blocks
  • Geoboards and rubber bands
  • index cards
  • tape
  • paper tubes (paper towel rolls and short ones)
  • aluminum foil
  • Magnatiles (wooden version and plastic are both awesome!)
  • play dough
  • craft sticks
  • foam balls
  • pipe cleaners
  • toothpicks
  • snap cubes
  • straws
  • cups
  • Tinker toys
  • LEGOs
  • pattern blocks
  • yarn
  • dominoes
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How would you suggest I use this resource with developing writers?

STEM flip book

This resource is ideal for primary students (grades 1-2, and some K students may be able to use them). Even if students are not able to fully express their thoughts in writing, we still want to encourage them to work through the engineering process. Encourage students to use inventive spelling, write using pictures, and model, model, model.

Want to try the books for free?

If you’d like to try the Flip & Create Books in your classroom for free, you’re in luck! Click on the freebie button below to download 10 free books.

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I want this resource of STEM activities! Where can I find the Flip & Create Bundle?

You can snag this bundle at a deeply discounted buy-in price—just $22!

Click here to buy it!

All in one STEM bundle

Enjoyed this resource blog post? You can check my other blog posts below that feature interactive learning resources, too!

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  • Karen Seward
    Posted September 12, 2018 at 8:18 pm

    These look fantastic. I am SO EXCITED to receive the 10 free booklets to try out with my students!! Thank you!

  • Brooke
    Posted September 13, 2018 at 2:42 am

    Thank you so much for sharing your awesome work!!!

  • Julie
    Posted September 13, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    This is a great idea! But, most of your ideas are great